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Next Movie Night:  


Stay tuned for the details!!



Policies and Procedures

MOVIE NIGHT is an exciting night for the students and offers them an opportunity to spend time with their classmates and friends.  It is also a chance for parents to have a few hours to themselves, or to join in on the fun at MOVIE NIGHT!


DROP OFF: Drop off for MOVIE NIGHT is 5 p.m. EARLY ARRIVALS ARE NOT PERMITTED. As a parent or responsible party, you will be required to sign your child in and leave a telephone number where you can be reached in case of an emergency.  Please be available by telephone at the number you list during MOVIE NIGHT. Once children are signed in, adults are free to leave OR volunteer their time at MOVIE NIGHT.


ADMISSION: $6 OR $5 with a non-perishable food donation. Food is donated to Loaves and Fishes after each MOVIE NIGHT.  


WHAT TO BRING: Sleeping bags, blankets and pillows are permitted (FYI, any items should be washable!).  


PICK UP:  Pick up for MOVIE NIGHT takes place promptly at 7:30 p.m.  In order to accomplish an orderly and safe dismissal, the students will remain in the gymnasium until their responsible party arrives to pick them up.  Adults should line up outside the gym and wait until their turn to retrieve their child.  Children will not be allowed to leave without a parent or approved pick up person to escort them out. Thank you for your patience during this process. 




5 p.m.                     Arrival

5-5:30 p.m.             Pizza (cheese/pepperoni) and drinks served in the cafeteria. (Pizza service ends at 5:30 p.m.)

5:05 p.m.                Activities begin in the cafeteria (bingo, board games, tattoos, dance party OR outside play              with                        appropriate weather (ALL CHILDREN WILL GO OUTSIDE)

5:15 p.m.                Concessions open (The average concession item is $0.25-$0.50. A good amount to send with                        your child is $2.00 or less.

5:30 p.m.                 Movie begins

6:30 p.m.                 Intermission (Concession stand open at this time)

6:45 p.m.                 Movie continues

7 p.m.                      Children clean up and gather belongings

7:30 p.m.                 Dismissal


GENERAL POLICIES: Please remind your children that they are at school during MOVIE NIGHT and that ROCKStar behavior is expected.  Any child engaging in horseplay, fighting, etc. will be sent home. Students are expected to SIT and watch the movie QUIETLY. They will be asked to remain in the gymnasium during the movie unless they need to use the restroom.


We ask that MOVIE NIGHT be limited to K-5 STUDENTS ONLY. Younger siblings are welcome if they are accompanied by a parent or adult.


KINDERGARTEN AND NEW PARENTS TO WINCHELL – If this is your child’s first time at MOVIE NIGHT, please consider attending with them until they are comfortable.  MOVIE NIGHT can be overwhelming for some students.


RSVP for MOVIE NIGHT: Pizza will be ordered for all who RSVP. We want to make sure every child gets a slice, so please RSVP by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 if your child plans on attending, as our pizza order is determined by the number of RSVP’s. 


VOLUNTEERING: We ask each parent who takes advantage of MOVIE NIGHT to volunteer at least one time during the year.  Our volunteers are crucial in making sure all of our students have a fun and safe evening! Volunteers have 2 shifts to choose from:

4:30-6:15 p.m. – Duties include setup, front table admissions, serving food and monitoring the children during play/activity time.

6-7:45 p.m. – Duties include monitoring children during the movie/intermission and assisting with clean up time.


We hope these details will help you understand what to expect from MOVIE NIGHT. Please review these expectations and the schedule with your children prior to MOVIE NIGHT. We look forward to seeing you there!


Movie Night Co-Chairs: Kim Tarantino ( & Colleen Root (

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